LSI Auckland offer TOEFL and Cambridge exam preparation courses, as well as more general ESL programmes. Whether you're studying for exams or learning business English, you’ll find our teachers friendly and helpful.
Study at EC English in Auckland, New Zealand and you’ll discover just how easy it is to make friends and enjoy life in this relaxed waterfront city.
Education First International Language Centres provide international students with first class English language courses. EF have over 450 schools and offices in 54 countries globally, with one centre in Auckland.
Learn English in Auckland and feel at home. Kaplan English schools offer superior learning and social facilities and students can be assured of learning English in a friendly vibrant atmosphere.
Thousands of students from around the world have chosen CCEL and have learned English with us since 1991.
New Zealand Language Centres Auckland offers a huge selection of language courses for all levels and purposes.
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